We’re living in a world where air sanitation has become just as important as surface disinfection, especially after last year, when COVID-19 was categorized as an airborne disease. But the coronavirus is not the only infection that spreads through airborne transmission, considering that every year during flu season (fall and winter) different variants of influenza and other respiratory viruses like the common cold, that circulate year-round, increase their activity due to cold and dry weather. Therefore, it is worth knowing the benefits of air sanitation, the different methods to achieve it, and whether or not air sanitation is effective to kill germs, such as bacteria and of course viruses.

What is Air Sanitation?
The concept of air sanitation is essentially deactivating airborne germs and contaminants in general that are present in a space, usually indoors. These germs usually belong to two major types, which are bacteria and viruses, and each type is responsible for the transmission of certain diseases. For instance, bacteria are the ones that cause illnesses like pneumonia, urinary tract infections, meningitis, tuberculosis, and others. Meanwhile, viruses are behind chickenpox, the flu, ebola, and the coronavirus. Other types of germs present in the air include fungi, protozoans, and helminths.
There are multiple ways to achieve air sanitation, including with UV (ultraviolet) germicidal light technology, ozone oxidation, activated carbon technology, negative ion technology, or chemicals. All of these offer different benefits and effectiveness levels, and they are the basis for all the air filtration devices and air purifiers on the market.

What Air Sanitation Methods Are Truly Effective Against Germs and Bacteria?
Among the most popular methods of air sanitation available to the public, there are two that stand out for being truly effective against germs. These are ULV fogger technology and Nano atomizer.
ULV fogger has natural germicidal properties, meaning that it is a chemical-free method to kill germs such as bacteria, viruses, and fungus (mould and other types). UV light is the main element of air filtration technologies like HydroClear, which is a patented air-based approach developed for the reduction of pathogens in the air and on surfaces.
HydroClear uses the power of non-ozone UV light and other elements like catalytic filters and electrostatic fields to generate hydroxyls, which are able to inactivate pathogens without harming people, pets, or plants in the process. The technology is considered effective because consistent exposure to hydroxyls has been proven to be effective against unwanted germs, viruses, and bacteria, including SARS strains (SARS-CoV-2 the COVID-19 virus), MRSA, pollen, HSV, E. Coli, Staph, H3N2, MRSA, yellow fever, MSV, polio, and have even been used in cases of biological warfare at neutralizing threats like Anthrax.
On the other hand, is considered one of the first discovered all-natural and sustainable air and surface disinfectants. It has been scientifically proven to kill viruses and bacteria such as E-Coli, SARS, Staph Infections, H2N2, MSRA, Yellow Fever, MSV, HSV, Polio, Coronaviruses, and more. This gas-based sanitizer is the basis of ClearScience technology, which uses ozone for its oxidizing agents that are known to go out and fill every corner of a room looking for unwanted molecules to attach onto and kill. It rapidly neutralizes the gas, returning the room to normal. The process is environmentally sustainable because it leaves behind no residue, requires no chemical refills, and is a long-term solution to air sanitation in empty spaces like hotel rooms, restaurants, offices, and more.
If you have any other urgent questions about how we may be able to help you about air sanitation, feel free to call us at 1-855-561-4512.
You can get a free quote for our services and products by visiting our website and filling out a simple form. We want to help you keep your spaces disinfected and safe for everyone, so get a free quote today.